My Reasons For Becoming An Egg Donor
by: Donna


It was the spring of 93 when my daughter was born at 35 weeks. She was born with a PDA which allowed blood to flow the wrong way back into her lungs. They discussed surgery but was able to fix it with medications. We almost lost her. She battled pnemonia 4 times before her first birthday. It was this that made my mind up to do egg donation. I saw all the couples who wanted children so badly and couldn't have them and then I saw the couples who had unplanned pregnancies and unwanted children that they took for granted. I wanted to do anything I could to take this hurt away from the childless couples. I decided I would give them this gift, my eggs.

It really took alot of soul searching before I knew I could do it. I knew these eggs could fertilze and become children, my biological children. I wasn't sure at first if I would be able to let go of the thoughts that these were my children.

I went in for my first egg retrieval and saw all the women lined up waiting for bloodwork and ultrasounds with the look of hope, the hope for children and I knew I was doing the right thing. I heard all their stories about all the IVF's, the shots, the retrievals and also the let downs. It made me want to go home and take my own children in my arms and just hug them and thank God that I had them. Why was it that I had all these eggs going to waste and these women had none? I knew that I had to do what I felt was right and that was to donate my eggs to them.

All in all, I have done 5 egg donations and there have been 5 pregnancies. I get up everyday and look at my own children and know I did something right.

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